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The Ladies
5 lbs. 4 oz.
Ginger is very shy but tiny and lovable. Her babies are beautiful teacup yorkies.
5 lbs 0 oz
She's our newest member of the family. She is very clever, smart, and full of energy. She has teacup sized puppies.
7 lbs. 14 oz.
She is rambunctious and full of energy. She is a great mother who loves her puppies very much. Her puppies are toy sized.
The Gents
3 lbs 7 oz
He's a small, kind, and shy but he's full of personality. His puppies are teacup sized yorkies.
6lbs. 2 oz.
He is calm and obedient. He enjoys being pampered in warm baths and getting his coat groomed. His puppies are toy sized.
5 lbs. 0 oz.
He's handsome, confident, and charismatic. He's a real ladies man...
- Past Litters -
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